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Community energy Mentions

Tipperary Community Demonstrates How to Cut Energy and Create Jobs

When members of the Drombane-Upperchurch village group in Tipperary got together in 2011 to discuss economic solutions for their community, they considered many ideas, from wind farms to a local ski slope. After several meetings with Tipperary Energy Agency and North Tipperary Leader Partnership, they settled on a community housing retrofit scheme. The aim of

Two Irish entries to go forward to finale of the European Ace Awards for sustainable energy

The two Irish contestants to go forward to the finale of the Ace Awards in autumn 2014 were announced at the Local Authority Members Association (LAMA) Community & Council Awards 2014 on Saturday, 25 January 2014. The ‘Best Energy-Smart Initiative by a Local Authority’ category, sponsored by Codema, Dublin’s Energy Agency, was won by Coxes

Councillors and Planners Visit Major Renewable Energy Sites in Tipperary

A group of 30 county councillors and planners from South Tipperary recently (January 23rd) took part in a tour of renewable energy sites and installations around the county. The tour was led by Tipperary Energy Agency and was organised to give county councillors and planners a real insight into what’s happening in renewable energy, as

Recognition for Community Renewable Energy Projects at this year’s LAMA Community & Council Awards

A new category has been created at this year’s LAMA Community and Council Awards (formerly LAMA awards).  The Best Community Renewable Energy Award seeks to recognise community groups that have undertaken renewable energy projects.  For the first time non commercial groups and organisations that have successfully implemented or initiated a specific renewable energy project based

Ireland’s First Community Owned Wind Farm Opens

Ireland’s first community owned wind farm was officially opened by Minister Pat Rabbitte, TD Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources in Templederry Co. Tipperary today. Templederry Community Wind Farm counts students, farmers and a local priest amongst its owners. The group is now producing green electricity and selling it to the grid, producing approx