Last night at the Annual Green Awards in the Burlington Hotel our CEO Paul Kenny picked up the Green Leader Award 2013. The awards pay tribute to all of the companies and people whose achievements have delivered exceptional environmental performance in 2012. Paul was acknowledged as a champion of new technologies and renewables. His work in helping
The repeated discussions in the Media in Ireland surrounding wind energy impact to local communities, with noise/ shadow flicker and economic benefits/costs being the two main themes. When we talk about Noise and shadow flicker, it’s a project specific fact based studies, where topography of the land, turbine size and local factors like planting make
The next Ace Partners meeting is taking place this week 8th-10th April 2013. The meeting will kick off in Dublin with a half-day workshop hosted by Codema. The workshop will be based on ICT Capabilities for energy-smart cities, villages and regions and will be held in the DDDA building on Custom House Quay. Co Tipperary
The Irish Wind Energy Association has developed a local community involvement model document that is a good start. It is available here. It essentially suggests a figure of €1000 per MW per year installed or less than 0.5% of the gross income. (Using Eirgrid’s 2012 28.8% CF and €75/MWh). This is a paltry figure, and
Jack writes: “My dad’s gone crazy these days since he joined the Energy Neighbourhoods Project, thinking of new ways to save energy and money. Some days I don’t know what’s going through his head. Perhaps he’s already thinking of another energy saving plan. Like his last wonderful plan by putting an egg timer in the
Well done to Drombane Upperchurch Energy Team from Tipperary Energy Agency! This Tipperary community group has been successful in retrofitting 22 houses. The houses are now saving on average 20% on their energy bills. Read the full article here: Tipperary Community Retrofit Saves Energy and Creates Jobs The Group was assisted by North Tipperary LEADER
South Tipperary County Council Planning Section in conjunction with the Tipperary Energy Agency (TEA) is commencing public consultation in respect of the preparation of a Renewable Energy Strategy for South Tipperary. The participation of all stakeholders in the preparation of a strategy for the development of the sustainable energy resources in South Tipperary is now
Only another few more days left until Energy Neighbourhoods starts up again. The neighbourhood with the most energy reductions will win €1,000 & a trip to Brussels. 2nd place will win €300. You don’t have to be actual neighbors. You can be friends, work colleagues, members of the same club, sports team or family. Call