Vacancies have arisen within the agency to appoint three new roles – two energy engineers and a graduate energy engineer. One energy engineer will work with one of our large clients in delivering energy efficiency upgrades in the water industry. The role will entail working with other Tipperary Energy Agency staff for guidance and client staff to implement
As part of the European SmartReFlex project, which includes Irish partners Tipperary Energy Agency, Kerry County Council and XD Consulting, a 3 day training course was held at the end of May. This course is part of a series of training opportunities that will bring some of the best international experience in district heating to
150 homes throughout County Tipperary will be warmer and healthier this Christmas as a result of the successful completion of the pilot 2014 Tipperary Warmer Homes Scheme. The recently completed insulation scheme included attic insulation, cavity wall insulation and a range of other measures for eligible homes in the county. The scheme was free to
Drombane-Upperchurch Energy Team and Cloughjordan Ecovillage will travel to Arnhem in The Netherlands to represent Ireland at the European Ace Energy Awards on November 28th. These awards recognise initiatives, organisations and projects in the field of renewable energy and energy transition. The Drombane-Upperchurch Energy team have been nominated for a Community Renewable Energy award. Between
Tipperary Energy Agency has teamed up with SEAI to deliver the Exploring our Energy Programme (EoE). It is a programme for teaching staff to give them the skills, confidence and tools to teach energy to all classes at primary school level. Lesson plans as well as interactive resources have been developed as part of the programme. To support the
During the weekend of the 7th – 9th November 2014, owners of low energy houses and public/commercial buildings around the country will open their doors for the NZEB Open Doors event. Last year, over 800 people visited more than 60 houses and public buildings during the NZEB Open Doors weekend. Nenagh Leisure Centre is set
A biomass boiler has now been successfully installed into Erasmus Smith House and is providing heat as we speak. The boiler is a highly efficient Gilles boiler made in Austria. It is a 45kW boiler which is connected to a 1,000 litre buffer tank. The boiler and its fuel store have been installed inside an
We have recently launched a new responsive website. A responsive website is one which is aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience which allows easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling across a wide range of devices such as mobile phones, desktops and computer monitors. Our new website contains