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South Tipperary Mentions

Renewable Energy Strategy for South Tipperary Public Consultation

South Tipperary County Council Planning Section in conjunction with the Tipperary Energy Agency (TEA)  is commencing public consultation in respect  of the preparation of a Renewable Energy Strategy for South Tipperary. The participation of all stakeholders in the preparation of a strategy for the development of the sustainable energy resources in South Tipperary is now

Eco Driving in South Tipperary County Council Roads Section

19 drivers were presented with Eco Driving certificates yesterday, 20/01/11, as a result of a 12 month project to sustainably save CO2 emissions and Fuel. All drivers got a 1-1 eco drive lesson and the TEA carried out monitoring of fuel consumption for 12 months….. A sustained saving of 3.1% has been recorded for the