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Energy Awareness Programme Mentions

Energy Awareness Programme for Schools – Programmes for children and teachers

Tipperary Energy Agency has teamed up with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) to deliver energy workshops to primary and secondary schools in Co Tipperary. The programmes, which are free of charge to the schools, provide a series of interactive, hands-on workshops for students. In primary schools, the programme is delivered from senior infants

33 Schools Participate in our Energy Awareness Programmes

As the school year is coming to a close we are looking back on the great  year,   we had delivering our Energy Awareness Programmes in our local schools in Tipperary. We visited 33 schools, worked with 93 groups and engaged with about 2188 children and their teachers throughout the year. We delivered  two programmes this year;

SEAI Energy Awareness Programme for Primary Schools

The Tipperary Energy will be visiting 5 North Tipperary Primary schools this term as part of the SEAI Energy Awareness Programme for primary schools. This week the children from Borrisoleigh Boys NS, Templetuohy NS and Kilkeary NS will get to meet Francoise and Guzzler to engage into hands-on workshops to learn more about energy, climate