A biomass boiler has now been successfully installed into Erasmus Smith House and is providing heat as we speak. The boiler is a highly efficient Gilles boiler made in Austria. It is a 45kW boiler which is connected to a 1,000 litre buffer tank. The boiler and its fuel store have been installed inside an
In conjunction with XD Consulting we hosted a SUNSTORE District Heating workshop in WeCreate in Cloughjordan EcoVillage on June 12th & 13th. The event focused on bringing Danish District Heating experience to Ireland. 40 people attended the workshop, many of which have potential projects in the pipeline. Many of the Irish projects are being currently
Tipperary’s adoption of biomass means that the county now spends €1.1M on local biomass (wood chip and wood pellet) to heat large sites. Previously, €2.5M would have to be spent on imported oil. Switch to biomass at six sites in Tipperary has seen 750, 000 litres of oil displaced in 2013. Annual local ecomonic benefit
As of today (April 17th 2014) for the first time small renewable energy generators in Ireland will be able to sell electricity on the Single Electricity Market (SEM). The Single Electricity Market is the wholesale electricity market operating across the island of Ireland. Templederry Renewable Energy Supply Ltd, trading as CRES (Community Renewable Energy Supply)
Danish District heating experts are coming to Ireland to deliver a workshop on their experiences of District Heating. There are only a few examples of small District Heating systems in Ireland. Most major cities in Denmark have large district heating networks. The workshop which will take place at the WeCreate facility in Cloughjordan EcoVillage on
Tipperary’s adoption of biomass means that the county now spends €1.1M on local fuel (wood chip and wood pellet) to heat large sites. Previously, €2.5M would have been spent on imported oil. The switch to local fuel at six sites in Tipperary has seen 750, 000 litres of oil displaced in 2013. The annual local ecomonic
A group of 30 county Councillors and planners from South Tipperary recently (January 23rd) took part in a tour of renewable energy sites and installations around the county. The tour was led by Tipperary Energy Agency and was organised to give county Councillors and planners a real insight into what’s happening in renewable energy, as
Tipperary Energy Agency has produced the following infographic to illustrate the positive impact biomass or wood heat is having on the local and national economy. Click here or on the image to see the full infographic. Also you can read more on our bioenergy page here